In lingua inglese /

Changing things of objects...

Changing things of objects...

15 Giugno 2018 Redazione SoloTablet
Redazione SoloTablet
BIBLIOTECA TECNOLOGICA - Il libro in uscita a settembre 2018 presenta un lavoro di ricerca che presenta, nella voce degli autori una prospettiva nuova: "Taken to an extreme, these traditions suggest that when the ostensive experience of a thing is adequately accounted for, there is not much more to be said about its role in human affairs. However, this is no longer (if it ever was) the case as we attempt to get
 a grip on contemporary things. On the contrary, relying on user experience as an analytic frame occludes much of what goes on with and through such things, and the significant structural and functional elements that exist beneath the surface of what is perceivable on their user-facing surfaces ... Getting a grasp on
 these fluid assemblages in order to responsibly design with and within them requires moving beyond the anthropocentric viewpoint of traditional user-centered design -even as it is precisely human experience and integrity that we care about”

Il libro Changing Things: The Future of Objects in a Digital World di Johan Redström, Heather Wiltse è pubblicato da Bloomsbury Academic, 2018

Many of the things we now live with do not take a purely physical form. Objects such as smart phones, laptops and wearable fitness trackers are different from our things of the past. These new digital forms are networked, dynamic and contextually configured. They can be changeable and unpredictable, even inscrutable when it comes to understanding what they actually do and whom they really serve.

In this compelling new volume, Johan Redstrom and Heather Wiltse address critical questions that have assumed a fresh urgency in the context of these rapidly-developing forms. Drawing on critical traditions from a range of disciplines that have been used to understand the nature of things, they develop a new vocabulary and a theoretical approach that allows us to account for and address the multi-faceted, dynamic, constantly evolving forms and functions of contemporary things. In doing so, the book prototypes a new design discourse around everyday things, and describes them as fluid assemblages.

Redstrom and Wiltse explore how a new theoretical framework could enable a richer understanding of things as fluid and networked, with a case study of the evolution of music players culminating in an in-depth discussion of Spotify. Other contemporary 'things' touched on in their analysis include smart phones and watches, as well as digital platforms and applications such as Google, Facebook and Twitter.

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