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Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age

Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age

18 Dicembre 2015 Redazione SoloTablet
Redazione SoloTablet
BIBLIOTECA TECNOLOGICA - Ogni qualvolta usiamo un media tecnologico regaliamo informazioni su noi stessi. L'autore crede che si debba riflettere sull'uso che di queste informazioni viene fatto, soprattutto perchè qualsiasi attività onlie viene registrata e archiviata per usi futuri. Meglio allarmarsi e disubbidire alle pratiche comuni. Se non lo facciamo rischiamo di essere complici di attività di videosorveglianza. data mining, monitoraggio e profilazione. Il desiderio del titolo accoomuna l'autore a quanto scrive Sherry Turkle sulla società connessa e sulla dipendenza delle menti umane dalla tecnologia. Disconnettersi è difficile e quasi impossibile ma resistere bisogna. Lo si può fare sfruttando le stesse tecnologie (dispositivi più sicuri, sistemi di protezione e sicurezza, ecc.) o disubbedendo alle pratiche comuni.

Bernard Harcourt, Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age - Harvard University Press (November 17, 2015)

SoloTablet segnala uno dei libri più letti nei mercati anglosassoni e in arrivo probabilmente anche in Italia nel corso del 2016

Social media compile data on users, retailers mine information on consumers, Internet giants create dossiers of who we know and what we do, and intelligence agencies collect all this plus billions of communications daily. Exploiting our boundless desire to access everything all the time, digital technology is breaking down whatever boundaries still exist between the state, the market, and the private realm. Exposed offers a powerful critique of our new virtual transparence, revealing just how unfree we are becoming and how little we seem to care.

Bernard Harcourt guides us through our new digital landscape, one that makes it so easy for others to monitor, profile, and shape our every desire. We are building what he calls the expository society―a platform for unprecedented levels of exhibition, watching, and influence that is reconfiguring our political relations and reshaping our notions of what it means to be an individual.

We are not scandalized by this. To the contrary: we crave exposure and knowingly surrender our privacy and anonymity in order to tap into social networks and consumer convenience―or we give in ambivalently, despite our reservations. But we have arrived at a moment of reckoning. If we do not wish to be trapped in a steel mesh of wireless digits, we have a responsibility to do whatever we can to resist. Disobedience to a regime that relies on massive data mining can take many forms, from aggressively encrypting personal information to leaking government secrets, but all will require conviction and courage.

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