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Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus

Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus

23 Gennaio 2018 Redazione SoloTablet
Redazione SoloTablet
BIBLIOTECA TECNOLOGICA - Un libro del 2016 nel quale Rushkoff sostiene tesi poco conformistiche e tanto meno corrette politicamente. L'economia digitale sta distruggendo certezze e cambiando in profondità molte realtà economiche e sociali. I media tradizionali fanno fatica a sopravvivere alla digitalizzazione galoppante, i tassisti stanno perdendo la guerra con UBER e gli operatori dell'ospitabilità devono confrontarsi con il successo crescente di Airbnb, ecc. E' tempo di elaborare una riflessione critica sull'intera epoca digitale e non solo sui suoi principali protagonisti. Google può essere un bersaglio facile ma l'attenzione dovrebbe andare alle molte realtà tecnologiche che stanno sostituendo con i loro servizi diritti e servizi pubblici.

Il libro di Rushkoff è disponibile nei principali store online.

Sinossi del libro

The digital economy has gone wrong. Everybody knows it, but no one knows quite how to fix it, or even how to explain the problem. Workers lose to automation, investors lose to algorithms, musicians lose to power law dynamics, drivers lose to Uber, neighborhoods lose to Airbnb, and even tech developers lose their visions to the demands of the startup economy.

Douglas Rushkoff argues that it doesn’t have to be this way. This isn’t the fault of digital technology at all, but the way we are deploying it: instead of building the distributed digital economy these new networks could foster, we are doubling down on the industrial age mandate for growth above all. As Rushkoff shows, this is more the legacy of early corporatism and central currency than a feature of digital technology. In his words, “we are running a 21st century digital economy on a 13th Century printing-press era operating system.”

In Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, Rushkoff shows how we went wrong, why we did it, and how we can reprogram the digital economy and our businesses from the inside out to promote sustainable prosperity for pretty much everyone. Rushkoff calls on business to:

• Accept that era of extractive growth is over. Rather, businesses must – like eBay and Kickstarter – give people the ability to exchange value and invest in one another.

• Eschew platform monopolies like Uber in favor of distributed, worker-owned co-ops, orchestrated through collective authentication systems like bitcoin and blockchains instead of top-down control.

• Resist the short-term, growth-addicted mindset of publicly traded markets, by delivering dividends instead of share price increases, or opting to stay private or buy back one’s own shares.

• Recognize contributions of land and labor as important as capital, and develop business ecosystems that work more like family companies, investing in the local economies on which they ultimately depend.

Rushkoff calls on us to reboot this obsolete economic operating system and use the unique distributive power of the internet to break free of the winner-take-all game defining business today.  A fundamentally optimistic book, THROWING ROCKS AT THE GOOGLE BUS culminates with a series of practical steps to remake the economic operating system from the inside out—and prosper along the way.

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