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Machines are unable to learn based on real life experience ( Muneeb Sikander)
With respect to the evolution of AI, I believe the question of whether machines can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim. It is humans who decide where AI should be applied. As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership. Finally, I am not as keen on the idea of singularity as Kurzweil defines it.
Si trova in Blog / Homo sapiens e Homo digitalis
Intelligenza artificiale: la novità del momento
Chi si occupa di storytelling su media tradizionali o digitali non può evitare di esercitarsi in racconti, riflessioni e narrazioni sull’intelligenza artificiale. Lo può fare prefigurando scenari distopici e post-umani o decantandone i vantaggi e il progresso per l’umanità. Meglio se lo fa contribuendo a una riflessione individuale, sociale e politica su una tecnologia che è destinata a cambiare il futuro della specie umana ma anche la vita attuale di tutti i giorni di tanti cittadini del mondo.
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Humans are complex beings (Prantik Mukherjee )
We are not all about performing task and processing information. We have feelings, emotions, empathy for each other etc. AIs haven’t achieved that level of advancement where they can show these kind of complexity like human beings. If we are able to develop Sentient AIs in the coming decades then that might become a reality.
Si trova in Blog / Homo sapiens e Homo digitalis
We will not be able to set efficient rules framing development and use of AI ( Dr Emmanuel R. Goffi)
Unfortunately, so far, ethical reflections come under what I call COSM-ETICS, namely calibrated narratives aiming at reassuring potential consumers through a specific set of words related to ethics. In other words, current reflections on ethics are not based on ethics per se, but on marketing communication. The vocabulary refers to ethics, but the analysis is all about building trust in order to sell AI-fitted products.
Si trova in Blog / Homo sapiens e Homo digitalis
Humans are a danger to themselves ( Alexandre MARTIN)
"Man is a wolf to man.’ If machines were to be instructed to protect humans being, they would have to deal with a number of problems. The latter will have to face complex dilemmas to protect him from himself." (Hobbes)
Si trova in Blog / Homo sapiens e Homo digitalis
Didattico, lineare, Ignasi Belda descrive il percorso dell'Intelligenza Artificiale sin dalle origini. Le pietre miliari sono rappresentate dall'operato di filosofi, matematici e studiosi del passato.
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