Pax Technica

13 Dicembre 2015 Redazione SoloTablet
Redazione SoloTablet
BIBLIOTECA TECNOLOGICA - Un libro del 2015 di Philip N. Howard con una visione ottimistica della Internet degli oggetti e del mondo iperconnesso che sta affermandosi nell'era digitale che stiamo vivendo. L'autore analizza quali possano essere gli eggetti dell'IoT in ambiti diversi come la politica, la vita democratica, la libertà e l'autoritarismo di alcuni poteri. Le nuove tecnologie IoT non cambieranno soltanto la natura dei dispositivi che useremo ma le nostre ablità o inabilità nel controllarli.

Philip N. Howard, Pax Technica - Yale University Press (April 28, 2015)

Should we fear or welcome the internet’s evolution? The “internet of things” is the rapidly growing network of everyday objects—eyeglasses, cars, thermostats—made smart with sensors and internet addresses. Soon we will live in a pervasive yet invisible network of everyday objects that communicate with one another. In this original and provocative book, Philip N. Howard envisions a new world order emerging from this great transformation in the technologies around us.
Howard calls this new era a Pax Technica. He looks to a future of global stability built upon device networks with immense potential for empowering citizens, making government transparent, and broadening information access. Howard cautions, however, that privacy threats are enormous, as is the potential for social control and political manipulation. Drawing on evidence from around the world, he illustrates how the internet of things can be used to repress and control people. Yet he also demonstrates that if we actively engage with the governments and businesses building the internet of things, we have a chance to build a new kind of internet—and a more open society.

Philip N. Howard is a professor and writer. He holds faculty appointments at Central European University in Budapest, the University of Washington in Seattle, and is a fellow at Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism. Currently, he works as the Director of the Center for Media, Data and Society and the founding Professor at the new School of Public Policy at Central European University.


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